ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Development strategy until 2030

Implementation of the ENEA Group Development Strategy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040, announced in December 2021, will allow the ENEA Group to adapt its activity to the challenges facing the Polish power industry in a reliable and efficient manner. The primary objective stated in the aforementioned the document is the Green Change, understood as a sustainable transition of the Group leading to an increase in its value, while pursuing a long-term goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

The ENEA Group intends to achieve climate neutrality by developing renewable energy sources (RES). The increase in the installed RES capacity will be achieved through acquisitions, the development of own projects (mostly in rural areas) and in collaboration with business partners. At the same time, we continue action to spin off assets related to electricity generation in conventional coal- and lignite-fired units from the Group structure to the National Energy Security Agency (NABE)1). Nevertheless, in the initial phase of its efforts aimed at reaching climate neutrality, the Group intends to use gas as a low-carbon transition fuel in order to maintain Poland’s energy security. Investments in this area will be confined to the replacement of some generation capacities (approx. 1.9 GW) based on the existing infrastructure. Conventional low-carbon sources will stabilize the developing RES capacity.

The Strategy identifies 13 key development directions of the ENEA Group, which are as follows:

In November 2022, strategies for each of the Group’s business areas were developed and adopted with a view to clarifying and operationalizing the development strategy.

Assumed outcomes of strategy

The following key outcomes were assumed:

1) Increase in installed RES capacity (gross) counted in relation to 2020, excluding the Green Unit of Połaniec Power Plant and energy storage.
2) Excluding the bituminous coal fired generation capacities (without the Green Unit of Połaniec Power Plant.

Green change of the ENEA Group and the energy transformation of Poland and the European Union

The ENEA Group’s development strategy is in keeping with the assumptions of Poland’s energy transition, the guidelines for which are set in Poland’s Energy Policy until 2040 prepared by the Ministry of Climate and Environment in line with the revised assumptions of the common climate and energy policy until 2030, contained in particular in the document entitled European Green Deal, setting the European Union the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. The document additionally takes into account the objectives and findings stipulated in three sectoral arrangements, which were concluded in 2021 and are aimed to strengthen the national economic, environmental, technological, energy and social benefits from the development of the offshore wind power, hydrogen power and photovoltaic industries.

The Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine, which began in February 2022 and triggered, among other things, the formulation of the REPowerEU plan, has had a significant impact on the European and Polish energy transition. This and other changes in the ENEA Group’s environment have had a significant impact on our strategic goals and development directions. Accordingly, any potential update of the development strategy will address the above issues accordingly.

Anna Striżyk Director of the Group Strategy and Development Management Department

Information on the planned dates of shutdown of individual units in the Kozienice Power Plant and Połaniec Power Plant powered by bituminous coal and conventional sources of ENEA Ciepło is presented below.

Unit B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11
Installed capacity [MW] 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 560 560 1,112
Planned shutdown year 2025 2025 2025 2025 2027 2027 2027 2027 2041 2042 2048

The above data for U1-U8 have been prepared on the basis of the generation capacity replacement schedule, which is based on one of the two generation capacity replacement options considered in parallel and which assumes the installation of combined cycle power units (hereinafter: “CCPU”), while the data for other units have been prepared on the basis of the current working schedule of the units and the generation unit shutdowns anticipated in the schedule. In 2022, ENEA Wytwarzanie took steps to replace the entire generation capacity of the existing 200 MWe units with high-efficiency and low-emission combined-cycle units, in one of the two options under consideration, i.e. two CCPUs of 1100 MW each, or three CCPUs of 700 MW each. On 16 March 2022 ENEA S.A. established a special-purpose vehicle ENEA ELKOGAZ with its registered office in Warsaw, in which it is the sole shareholder. The newly-established company will replace the generation capacity of 200 MW power units with gaseous fuel combustion technology.

Unit B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 GU (B9)
Installed capacity [MW] 200 242 242 242 242 242 239 230
Planned shutdown year 2023 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2042

The above data were prepared on the basis of the current working schedule of the units and the scheduled shutdowns of the generation units. Currently, work is under way on the project entitled “Adaptation of ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec to Capacity Market requirements after 1 July 2025” and on the development of the modernization concept for Unit 1.

Unit B1 B2 B3 B41) Water boilers K1 K2 K3 K4 K5
Installed capacity [MW] 55 55 70 23.5 Installed capacity [MW] 0 0 0 0 0
Thermal capacity [MWt] 98.4 108 108 0 Thermal capacity [MWt] 33 35 35 40 40
Planned last year of production 2028 2045 2055 2061 Planned last year of production
1) Condensing turbine unit powered by discharges from the U1 unit

The strategy development process and the related opportunities and risks of sustainable development are described in the section entitled Management of non-financial risks.

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