ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Strategic actions in the distribution area

In line with the Group’s development strategy, ENEA Operator will focus on the following:


Ensuring energy security in the geographic area of its operation, which will fulfill the statutory obligation to ensure the current and long-term operational security of the power distribution system.


Ensuring continuous and reliable supply and offtake of electricity with appropriate quality parameters, which is in line with the statutory obligation to ensure continuous and reliable supply of electricity with appropriate quality parameters.


Development of a smart distribution grid, including, in particular, a full-scale implementation of smart metering, development of SCADA systems, development of tools to support network management processes, including communication and data transmission systems, as well as grid automation, taking into account cybersecurity considerations.


A change in the model of operation of DSOs, resulting from the dynamic increase in the number and capacity of distributed sources, which leads to major changes in the functioning of the energy market and the roles of its participants. ENEA Operator as a DSO will ultimately serve as an active, neutral market support, enabling grid users to benefit from many services that go beyond energy supply. For this purpose, the company will, in particular, adapt the power grid to operate in conditions of high volatility of generation sources, including converting it from a passive (one-way) grid to an active (two-way) grid.

In 2022, ENEA Operator carried out a number of investments in line with the strategic actions indicated above, that is, aimed at ensuring continuous and reliable supplies of electricity of appropriate quality parameters in the area of its operations (including construction and modernization of high-voltage, medium-voltage and low-voltage lines and substations, as well as grid automation), achieving the smart grid standard (including installing modern remote-reading meters at end users, in accordance with the requirements of Energy Law), and changing its operation as a DSO. This change is being enforced by, among others, the rapid increase in the number of decentralized generation facilities, new obligations to support the development of local energy markets, and emergence of energy communities (energy clusters and cooperatives, local balancing areas, owners of energy storage facilities, electric vehicles and charging stations).

On 7 November 2022, ENEA Operator and the four other largest electricity distributors in Poland signed the Charter for the Effective Transformation of Distribution Grids of the Polish Power Industry, developed under the direction of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office. The aim of the document is to effectively carry out a true transformation of the energy distribution industry by 2030, which will be key to the successful transformation of the entire power industry, and requires significant additional financial resources and the appropriate regulatory environment.

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