ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Creation of shareholder value

The ENEA Group develops its market position based on a collection of benefits offered to its customers. The acquisition of customers and the maintenance of their satisfaction level are pursued, among others, by combining the Group’s products and services into attractive bundles and persistently striving to ensure failure-free supplies of energy. In order to improve the governance of each area of its business, the Group takes into consideration the expectations of its key stakeholders, which it finds out about through social dialogue. Moreover, the Group cares about transparency, in particular in the context of counteracting unfair business practices. The Group’s partnership cooperation with contractors is based on a dependable development of its offering and adherence to the provisions of executed contracts.

Both the adopted model of increasing the Group’s value and the manner in which the Group creates value for its customers are derived directly from the mission and vision adopted by the company.

According to its development strategy, in the coming years the ENEA Group will largely focus on building its value by increasing the capacity installed in renewable energy sources based on modern technologies. Moreover, it intends to specialize in the construction of energy storage facilities and the provision of energy storage services for the needs of its own networks and external customers.

Due to the continuously increasing expectations in the area of sustainable development, the Group pursues an ambition not only to adjust the profile of its business accordingly, but also to educate its stakeholders in solutions and behaviors beneficial to the environment.

Additional information on the creation of corporate value is included in the New lines of business

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