ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Fuels consumed

  • 2-6

The main fuel used in the Kozienice Power Plant and the Połaniec Power Plant to generate electricity is pulverized bituminous coal.

The main fuels used in the Białystok CHP Plant are coal and biomass – mainly energy wood chips, energy willow and poplar chips as well as by-products of agricultural production and agricultural products processing industry. The “Zachód” Heat Plant in Białystok, in addition to coal-fired boilers, also has a boiler, in which heat is produced based on grid-supplied gaseous fuel.

MEC Piła produces heat from coal and electricity and heat through combustion of natural gas.

PEC in Oborniki produces heat from fine coal fractions.

Łęczyńska Energetyka uses coal.

ENEA Nowa Energia, for the needs of the Liszków biogas plant, purchases silage, pulp and fruit and vegetable waste that is not suitable for consumption or processing. As at the publication date of this report (26 May 2023), a tender procedure was pending to select the general contractor for comprehensive modernization of the biogas CHP plant in Gorzesław and for its adaptation to operate on the basis of food and agricultural waste and poultry litter.

Purchase of fuel by ENEA Group in 2022


  • 301-1

Fuel type Quantity [000s of tons]
Bituminous coal 10,985
Biomass 1,894
(Heavy) fuel oil1) 15
(Light) fuel oil2) 71
Natural gas [thous. Nm3]3), 4) 13,843
1) Light up fuel in U1-10 of the Kozienice Power Plant and U1-7 of the Połaniec Power Plant.
2) Light up fuel in U11 of the Kozienice Power Plant, U9 of the Połaniec Power Plant, MEC Piła (boiler house of KO Staszyce, which may be gaseous fuel or oil-fired).
3) Used for generation of electricity and heat in MEC Piła.
4) Used for generation of heat in the “Zachód” Heat Plant; gas volume unit: thousand Nm3.


Coal deliveries

The Group’s demand for coal is covered, for the most part, by Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka”. The remainder of the raw material is sourced from other external suppliers, which increases the security of supply and is a standard business practice.

Kozienice Power Plant Połaniec Power Plant ENEA Ciepło
Main coal suppliers in 2022 LW Bogdanka (68.1%)
PGG (11.8%), Węglokoks (7.7%)
PGE Paliwa (6.2%)
LW Bogdanka (48.8%),
PGG (25.3%),
PGE Paliwa (13.5%)
LW Bogdanka (81.54%), PGG (10.3%),
PGE Paliwa (8.2%)

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