ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Carbon footprint mitigation

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We are committed to minimizing carbon emissions throughout our value chain, with the goal of achieving climate neutrality in 2050. This way we align our organization with the European Union’s climate objectives and social expectations. The main directions of ENEA Group’s climate neutrality efforts include, in addition to the transition away from the combustion of fossil fuels, the development of renewable energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency.

Our decarbonization strategy is based on the Paris Agreement, which stipulates that the EU economy will be the first to become carbon neutral by 2050, which will make it possible to achieve the goal of limiting the global average temperature increase to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

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Greenhouse gas emissions in the ENEA Group in 2022

Company Scope 1
[tons of CO2e]
Scope 2

[tons of CO2e]
Scope 3

[tons of CO2e]
ENEA S.A. 500 Data not available Data not available
ENEA Ciepło – Head Office 13,018 3,132 2,957
ENEA Ciepło – Białystok Division 282,020 126 83,167
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec 7,089,617 Data not available Data not available
ENEA Bioenergia Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Nowa Energia 6,250 983 83
ENEA Wytwarzanie 15 537,632 37,029 32,014
PEC Oborniki 15,516 Data not available Data not available
MEC Piła 84,230 Data not available Data not available
ENEA Połaniec Serwis Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Ciepło Serwis Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Operator 7,973 Data not available Data not available
ENEA Trading Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Innowacje Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Serwis Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Centrum Data not available Data not available Data not available
ENEA Pomiary 45 121 Data not available
ENEA Logistyka 929 4231) Data not available
ENEA Oświetlenie 20 238 0
Lubelski Węgiel „Bogdanka” Group 46,275 228,192 19,176,537
Total 23,084,025 270,244 19 294,758
1) Calculated using the market-based method

Biogenic CO2 emissions in the ENEA Group in 2022


Biogenic CO emissions [tons]

ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec 1,620,595
LWB Group 202
ENEA Ciepło – Białystok Division 26,743
Total 1,647,5401)


1) A calculation error has been rectified in respect of the information published in the Management Board Report on the Activity of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Group in 2022.

CO2 emissions related to electricity generation

CO2 emissions [Mg] Gross electricity generation [MWh] Emission factor [kg/MWh]
Kozienice Power Plant units 1-10
2021 11,593,312.0 13,694,800.6 847.0
2022 11,876,117.0 13,818,432.1 859.0
change % 2.4% 0.9% 1.4%
Kozienice Power Plant unit 11
2021 4,262,224.0 5,681,541.2 750.0
2022 3,664,595.0 4,764,590.2 769.0
change % -14.0% -16.1% 2.5%
ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec
2021 6,029,838.01) 8,553,965.9 704.9
2022 7,088,659.0 9,223,962.8 768.5
change % 17.6% 7.8% 9.0%
Białystok Combined Heat and Power Plant  
2021 312 696.0 517,388.3 188.8
2022 255,232.0 470,410.3 165.5
change % -18.4% -9.1% -12.3%
Białystok “Zachód” Heat Plant 2)  
2021 18,138.0
2022 12,851.0
change % -29.1%
MEC Piła
2021 83,881.01) 49,494.8 1,694.7
2022 41,667.0 55,359.4 752.7
change % -50.3 % 11.8% -55.6%
1) Quantity adjustment as a result of the audit in relation to the report for 2021
2) The table for the Białystok “Zachód” Heat Plant does not include data on electricity generation or the emission factor as the “Zachód” Heat Plant produces only heat

Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from ENEA Group’s generation units

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Unit CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation [kg/MWh]1 2020 2021 2022
Total intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from ENEA Group’s generation units 752 764 793
1) Ratio of CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. In the case of the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec, the calculations are based on total CO₂ emissions for sources that generate only electricity or cogenerate electricity and trace quantities of heat, because for the latter type of installations, it is not possible to separate emissions into those related to the production of individual energy types. In the case of MEC Piła and ENEA Ciepło, the presented data concern only CO₂ emissions related directly to the generation of electricity, i.e. they do not include emissions related to the generation of heat. Unit emissions for 2020 and 2021 were adjusted in relation to the values published earlier, thanks to the access to more precise data for MEC Piła and ENEA Ciepło.

ENEA Ciepło is currently modernizing the project Modernization of coal-fired boilers in the Zachód Heat Plant to adapt them to the environmental requirements – STAKE II. The company plans to convert two WR-40 K-4 and K-5 water boilers (40MW each) which are coal-fired to dual-fuel boilers fired by fuel oil or gas, which will significantly affect the level of CO2 emissions.

Information on the planned emission reduction timeline can be found in the section Roadmap to Climate Neutrality.

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