ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2022

The period covered by the Report, ENEA Group companies conducted numerous activities aimed at reducing their negative impact on the environment. These included both large infrastructure investments that reduced atmospheric emissions and air pollutants generated by production processes, as well as minor changes in daily operations. We also made continuous efforts to increase environmental awareness of our employees. We also carried out environmental education projects in the Group’s communities and executed projects to actively protect the nature.

Selected pro-environmental initiatives of ENEA Group companies in 2022

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Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Replaced heating tunnel networks with pre-insulated pipe networks.

Modernized and implemented telemetry of district heating hubs.

Modernized K-2 and K-3 coal boilers in the “Zachód” Heat Plant – rebuilding of the dust removal installation.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Reduced demand for electricity for own needs by replacing the motors of the PR1 cooling water pump and 1PRO, 2PRO, 3PRO vacuum pumps with energy-efficient ones.

Modernized exterior lighting.

Modernized the central heating system in the transfer building and in the carburization conveyor gallery.

Delivered and installed the third set of catalytic converters for the SCR system of the K-7 boiler to reduce NOx emissions into the air.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives

Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Took part in the Vistula River fish restocking project. See the section entitled Natural resources used. Organized training for Employees on the topic of their responsibility for the natural environment.

Contests for employees on the topic of environmental protection.

Children’s art competition “Ekoludki – it is us” promoting the use of recycled materials

Carried out an energy efficiency audit of the internal lighting modernization project at power unit 3 and started implementing this project.

Carried out a pre-implementation audit for the project entitled “Replacement and Modernization of the TWBm 270000/400 PN Unit Transformer at ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec S.A.”.

Continued the replacement of coal with biomass, resulting in the avoidance of nearly 1.4 million tons of CO₂ emissions in 2022.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Organized, together with ELEKTROEKO, training courses for employees to raise environmental awareness.

Educational campaign devoted to the Vistula River, delivered together with the “Vistula Weekly” magazine.

“Flower for trash” – a campaign to exchange electric waste for seedlings, organized jointly with endorsed schools.

Installed temperature regulators at heating nodes.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Built a guide barrier to increase the efficiency of the fish ladder near the Kamienna Hydro Power Plant. Modernized the heating system in the administration and workshop building in Gorzów Wielkopolski (replacing the old heating source with a heat pump).

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Elevated of 91 stork nests onto platforms to ensure the safety of birds and infrastructure. The company’s key investment tasks are described in the section entitled Activities for the Reliability of Energy Supply.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Constant monitoring of the natural environment at the site of the Kozienice Power Plant and the surrounding areas by naturalists from the Mazowieckie-Świętokrzyskie Ornithological Society. Entered into a contract to develop the concept documentation for circular economy in the water and sewage area. Organized nature tours and the exhibition “The Green Face of the Kozienice Power Plant” together with the Mazowieckie-Świętokrzyskie Ornithological Society. Completed the upgrade of the non-return flap to a flap with hydraulic override for PC2 and PC3 pumps. The project is expected to save 200 toe/year of final energy.

Completed the modernization of the lighting system at the DEMI II water demineralization station, marsh pumping stations No. 1, 2, 3. The project is expected to save 13 toe/year of final energy

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Started the construction of the underground water pumping system on the ditch of RE “Żelazny” and reconstruction of the ditch. Acting together with the CZH SA Group, launched the Spoil Tip Reclamation and Operation Program. The coal to be obtained from the spoil tips – up to 2 million tons per year – can be used by the power sector, while the reclamation of these spoil tips will free up the land, on which renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic farms, will be built.

Carried out an analysis of new opportunities for the recovery of mining waste.

Obtained a decision from the voivodship marshal to recognize mining waste in the amount of 50,000 Mg/year with a granulation of 20-50 mm as a by-product.

Carried out a periodic training of employees to update their knowledge on issues related to, among others, the mine’s impact on the environment.

Field workshops allow students to obtain practical knowledge related to the operation of a mine and pro-environmental activities.

Implemented modern equipment that consumes less electricity, e.g. motors for drives, main fans. Construction of a photovoltaic farm (planned completion: 2023).

Reduced emissions by using an alternative method for transporting people to the coalface – adapted PIOAMA 1000 conveyors to transport people.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Replaced the insulation on the heating network, which, according, to the audits will reduce CO₂ emissions by 98.51 t per year.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Installed energy-efficient devices, such as e.g. a frequency converter to control slag pumps at the KR Zachód district boiler plant, and automatic control systems for the operation of the cogeneration source. Modernized a 0.67 km section of the district heating network by replacing tunnel heating networks with pre-insulated pipes.

Converted low-parameter pre-insulated networks into high-parameter networks as part of the project to liquidate a central heating substation on a 0.12 km section of the district heating network.

Eliminated high emissions by liquidating old furnaces in residential apartments in Piła and by connecting them to the district heating network.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Installed a modern ventilation unit with carbon filters, reducing pollution by up to 99.9%. Purchased energy-saving semi-automatic welding inverters.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Built a photovoltaic system at facility K1.

Biodiversity protection and landscape conservation initiatives Initiatives to minimize water consumption Initiatives to minimize the generation/promote the reuse of waste Environmental education initiatives Initiatives to reduce energy consumption/increase energy efficiency Initiatives to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants
Purchased new energy-efficient machinery and equipment and replaced lighting with LED lamps.

Environmental capital expenditures

In 2022, ENEA Group allocated a total of PLN 80.0 million for investments in the area of environmental protection.

ENEA Group’s environmental investments in 2022


Item [PLN m]

Actuals 2022

Adaptation to BAT conclusions (Połaniec Power Plant) 51.8
Other 28.2
Total environmental investments 80.0

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