ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Circular economy initiatives

  • E-S6

Our operations, mainly mining and power generation, naturally generate various types of waste. We make sure that there is as little of it as possible and that its impact on the environment is minimized, and that we subsequently reuse them. We are constantly raising awareness of topics such as waste, recycling, etc. among employees at all levels.

Examples of circular economy initiatives:

  • The Połaniec Power Plant produces synthetic gypsum from flue gas desulphurization, fly ash from the flue gas dust removal process, and ash-slag mixtures. Synthetic gypsum and fly ash from coal-fired units have the status of a product – product decisions have been issued for them. Combustion by-products generated in the power generation process are subject to commercial agreements and are used in the economy,
  • ENEA Logistyka uses boxes from other suppliers to package the materials it transports,
  • Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” uses mining waste for land reclamation, for paving roads and yards and producing cement, and disposes of industrial waste (including wood, scrap metal, used oil, plastics) by providing it to authorized entities for processing. It also uses mine water for process purposes to treat treating the winnings in the mechanical coal preparation plant and for the production of process water at the water treatment station owned by Łęczyńska Energetyka,
  • ENEA Operator reuses, repairs and refurbishes transformers, meters or concrete poles.

Group companies use document shredders, waste segregation bins and special containers for specific wastes (such as batteries). We are developing measures to reduce paper consumption, mainly by digitalizing the document circulation process. The greatest responsibility in this respect rests with ENEA Centrum, which provides among others accounting, HR, customer service, collection, procurement and administration services to the remaining companies.

  • 306-3

Waste generated by the ENEA Group in 2022

Generated waste [Mg]1) 2020 2021 2022
Total mass of waste generated in the ENEA Group: 6,328,559 5,973,746 6,028,435
of which: hazardous waste 833 976 951
of which: non-hazardous waste 6,327,726 5,972,769 6,027,484
1) Real properties for which there are no detailed data on generated waste (e.g. because the respective companies settle their accounts with administrators on a lump sum basis) have not been taken into account.

Additional environmental data can be found in sections 3.3.2. Generation, 3.5.1. Capital expenditures (CAPEX) 10.2. Natural environment of the Management Board report on the activity of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Group in 2022.

Selected activities for water reuse are described in the sections entitled Natural resources used and ENEA Group’s environmental activity in 2022.

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