ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Protection of biodiversity and landscape

  • ES-5

We take care that the activity conducted by us neither disrupts the working of ecosystems nor impoverishes the diversity of plants and animals or values of the landscape. If needed, we restore the right condition of natural habitats and other components of nature.

  • 304-3

We strictly comply with provisions of the Nature Conservation Act and other regulations and administrative decisions imposing on us obligations concerning protection of ecological processes and biodiversity. The resulting activities include, among others: continuous ecological supervision at the site of the Kozienice Power Plant and in its vicinity, which enables, among other things, the protection of any confirmed sites of the species of plants, fungi and animals subject to species protection; long-term monitoring of the impact of wind power plants on bird and bat populations; and the construction of fish ladders on rivers – structures that allow fish to migrate freely.

In 2019-2020, detailed studies of the impact of our wind farms on birds and bats were completed. They showed no negative impact on the populations of these animals.

  • 304-1

Some of our plants are located in protected natural areas. The Kozienice Power Plant is adjacent to two Natura 2000 sites, Mid Vistula Valley and Kozienice Sanctuary as well as the Vistula Landscape Park. Many of our hydro power plants are located in protected areas (e.g. Drawa National Park, landscape parks in the valleys of the Gwda, Wda and Brda rivers). In addition, about 5% of mining areas owned by Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” are protected within the Natura 2000 network (special habitat protection area of Uściwierskie Lakes and special birds’ protection area of Polesie). Due to appropriate ways of management, we do not exert an adverse influence on the nature of any of the above areas.

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