ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Governance structure

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Corporate governance is a system used to govern the ENEA Group, including the rules for making decisions in the Group, based on the ENEA Group Code accepted by the companies. The above document defines the creation, organization and operation of companies owned by the Group. One of the key assumptions of the corporate governance in the Group, reflected in the provisions of agreements and articles of association of companies, is the assumption that the purpose of the company is to carry out activities to pursue the ENEA Group’s mission and strategy, which determine the interests of the ENEA Group.

The activity of the ENEA Group is managed by the Management Board of ENEA S.A., i.e. the parent company. The supervisory body in the company is the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board.

Organizational structure of ENEA S.A. as at 31 December 2022

The internal relations established in ENEA S.A, including the company’s organizational structure and the allocation of tasks, responsibilities and powers, are formally stipulated in the Organizational Rules and Regulations and the Rules and Regulations of Organizational Units of ENEA S.A.

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For more information on the appointment, powers and rules of operation of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of ENEA S.A., as well as the rules for evaluation of their actions, please refer to the Representation on the application of corporate governance principles, which is a separate part of the Management Board Report on the activity of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Group in 2022.

ENEA Group committees and management divisions are described in the section entitled Sustainability management in the ENEA Group.

In 2022:

The Group Human Resources Management Department was considered strategic to the company's operations and therefore began to report directly to the President of the Management Board (previously it reported to the Management Board Member for Corporate Matters).

In order to improve specialization and efficiency, the responsibilities of the existing Group Public Relations and Communication Department were allocated to two new organizational units, the Group Corporate Communication and External Relations Department and the Group Sponsoring, Promotion and Brand Management Department.

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