ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Sustainability management in the ENEA Group

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  • G-P1

In the ENEA Group, the ENEA S.A. Management Board is in charge of creating, adopting and updating the mission, vision, values, strategies, policies and objectives related to sustainable development. The most significant directional document for the Group is its development strategy and as such it is reviewed by the Strategy and Investment Committee of the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board and then finally approved by the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board.

Operational management of sustainable development

In managing various specific aspects of sustainable development, the ENEA S.A. Management Board obtains support from the Company’s competent departments and the following ENEA Group committees:

  1. ENEA Group Investment Committee – in managing tangible and capital investments of the ENEA Group.
  2. ENEA Group Management Committee – in exercising corporate governance of subsidiaries.
  3. ENEA Group Finance and IT Committee – in making decisions regarding financial and IT management within the ENEA Group.
  4. ENEA Group Commerce and Promotion Committee – in managing activities carried out in the areas of commerce, promotion and fuel trading.
  5. ENEA Group Risk Committee – in managing corporate risks, business continuity, Compliance and insurance policy issues.

In accordance with the Group’s internal rules and regulations, the powers vested in these committees consist are focused on making decisions or issuing recommendations for the ENEA S.A. Management Board.

At the level of distinct companies, issues relevant to sustainability are managed by their respective units. Distinct departments within ENEA S.A. oversee and manage individual areas of the ENEA Group’s operation based on formalized standards of cooperation with pertinent units. A formal communication channel between each department and corresponding units in the subsidiaries is ensured by the management divisions.

  • Communications Management Division whose goals include:
    • supporting the ENEA S.A. Management Board in making decisions of key and long-term significance for shaping the ENEA Group’s image and communication policy within and without the organization,
    • deployment of a uniform method of communication management within the ENEA Group,
    • development of competences in the area of communication within the ENEA Group,
    • optimization of the costs of communication and promotional procurement in the ENEA Group.
  • Security Management Division whose goal is to manage processes and to establish, implement and improve standards and optimize costs related to security in the ENEA Group and its subsidiaries.
  • Compliance and Legal Services Management Division whose goal is to manage processes and to establish, implement and improve standards and optimize costs related to Compliance and legal services in the ENEA Group and its subsidiaries.
  • Procurement Management Division whose goal is to conduct a uniform purchasing policy through:
    • setting procurement standards for the ENEA Group,
    • analyzing procurement processes in the ENEA Group;
    • optimizing procurement processes in the ENEA Group.
  • HR Management Division whose goals include:
    • supporting the ENEA S.A. Management Board in making strategic decisions of key significance for the shaping and pursuit of HR policy in the ENEA Group,
    • increasing the effectiveness of HR management in the ENEA Group,
    • improving HR communication in the ENEA Group,
    • optimizing costs related to the deployment of new HR solutions in the ENEA Group,
    • overseeing the standardization of processes and the consistency of deployed HR solutions.

In 2022, efforts were continued aimed at developing the sustainable development expertise of management board members in both ENEA S.A. and its subsidiaries.

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In 2022, efforts were continued aimed at developing the sustainable development expertise of management board members in both ENEA S.A. and its subsidiaries.

Audit and internal control

The Group’s Audit and Control Department is responsible for discharging the internal audit function, conducting scheduled and unscheduled audits and internal inspections, and for coordinating the flow of information concerning activities carried out within the Group by external audit and regulatory institutions. In addition to these tasks, the unit also monitors on an ongoing basis the implementation of recommendations issued as a result of completed audits and inspections, keeps informing Group companies about the status of such implementation and participates in the dissemination of information regarding the risks identified within the Group and any compliance-related irregularities.

The effectiveness of implementation of such recommendations is evaluated from the perspective of the degree of implementation of suggested corrective actions and the impact of such actions and specific elements of the internal control system in terms of the COSO I and COSO II risk management models.

Twice a year, the Department Director provides information on the status of implementation of pertinent recommendations, including possible departures from them, and a summary of the progress towards the achievement of management objectives, specifically the attained values of key performance indicators (KPIs). Such information is provided to:

  • members of the ENEA S.A. Management Board,
  • department directors at ENEA S.A.,
  • management board members of the Group’s subsidiaries.

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