Non-financial key performance indicators of the ENEA Group
Area | Indicator | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | Change 2022/2021 |
Economic | Taxes paid internationally, nationally and locally1) | PLN 734 million | PLN 986 million | PLN 575 million | -42% |
Payments to the state budget by virtue of dividends2) |
0 | 0 | 30 million | +100% | |
Number of employees3) | 17,480 | 17,461 | 17,588 | +0.7% | |
Payroll and employee benefits | PLN 2.0 billion | PLN 2.1 billion | PLN 2.5 billion | +19% | |
Confirmed incidents of corruption | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | |
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations governing marketing communication, including advertising, promotion and sponsorship | None reported | None reported | 0 | – | |
Total number of court and administrative proceedings concerning breaches of principles of free competition or anti-monopoly regulations to which Group companies were a party | None reported | None reported | 0 | – | |
Environmental | Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1)4) | 18,671,299 tons of CO₂ | 22,415,951 tons of CO₂e | 23,121,964 tons of CO₂e | +3% |
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) | None reported | 292,410 tons of CO₂e | 270,292 tons of CO₂e | -8% | |
Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions5) | 752 kg/MWh | 764 kg/MWh | 793 kg/MWh | +4% | |
Generation of energy from renewable sources | 2,392 GWh | 2,414 GWh | 1,949 GWh | -19% | |
Amount earmarked for investments in the environmental area | PLN 272.5 million | PLN 156 million | PLN 80 million | -49% | |
Amount of significant penalties imposed for non-compliance with environmental protection laws or regulations | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | |
Social |
Total value of cash and in-kind donations6) | None reported | PLN 5.0 million | PLN 9.7 million | +48% |
Number of fatalities involving the Group’s employees and subcontractors | 17) | 07) | 38) | – | |
Number of discriminatory incidents | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | |
Customer-related |
Trading Segment: number of individual customers (electricity and gaseous fuel consumers)9) | 2,565 thousand | 2,615 thousand | 2,681 thousand | +3% |
Distribution Segment: number of customers / electricity consumers9) | 2,661 thousand | 2,703 thousand | 2,753 thousand | +2% | |
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail customers |
21.1 TWh | 24.5 TWh | 23.7 TWh | -3% | |
SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index10) | 77 min | 78 min | 89 min | +14% | |
SAIFI – System Average Interruption Frequency Index10) | 2.06 | 1.97 | 1.98 | +0.5% | |
Customer data breaches that qualified for reporting to the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority | 0 | 3 | 0 | – |