Non-financial key performance indicators of the ENEA Group
Area | Indicator | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | Change 2022/2021 |
Economic | Taxes paid internationally, nationally and locally1) | PLN 734 million | PLN 986 million | PLN 575 million | -42% |
Payments to the state budget by virtue of dividends2) |
0 | 0 | 30 million | +100% | |
Number of employees3) | 17,480 | 17,461 | 17,588 | +0.7% | |
Payroll and employee benefits | PLN 2.0 billion | PLN 2.1 billion | PLN 2.5 billion | +19% | |
Confirmed incidents of corruption | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | |
Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations governing marketing communication, including advertising, promotion and sponsorship | None reported | None reported | 0 | – | |
Total number of court and administrative proceedings concerning breaches of principles of free competition or anti-monopoly regulations to which Group companies were a party | None reported | None reported | 0 | – | |
Environmental | Direct greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1)4) | 18,671,299 tons of CO₂ | 22,415,951 tons of CO₂e | 23,121,964 tons of CO₂e | +3% |
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) | None reported | 292,410 tons of CO₂e | 270,292 tons of CO₂e | -8% | |
Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions5) | 752 kg/MWh | 764 kg/MWh | 793 kg/MWh | +4% | |
Generation of energy from renewable sources | 2,392 GWh | 2,414 GWh | 1,949 GWh | -19% | |
Amount earmarked for investments in the environmental area | PLN 272.5 million | PLN 156 million | PLN 80 million | -49% | |
Amount of significant penalties imposed for non-compliance with environmental protection laws or regulations | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | |
Social |
Total value of cash and in-kind donations6) | None reported | PLN 5.0 million | PLN 9.7 million | +48% |
Number of fatalities involving the Group’s employees and subcontractors | 17) | 07) | 38) | – | |
Number of discriminatory incidents | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | |
Customer-related |
Trading Segment: number of individual customers (electricity and gaseous fuel consumers)9) | 2,565 thousand | 2,615 thousand | 2,681 thousand | +3% |
Distribution Segment: number of customers / electricity consumers9) | 2,661 thousand | 2,703 thousand | 2,753 thousand | +2% | |
Sales of electricity and gaseous fuel to retail customers |
21.1 TWh | 24.5 TWh | 23.7 TWh | -3% | |
SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index10) | 77 min | 78 min | 89 min | +14% | |
SAIFI – System Average Interruption Frequency Index10) | 2.06 | 1.97 | 1.98 | +0.5% | |
Customer data breaches that qualified for reporting to the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority | 0 | 3 | 0 | – |
1)) Items from the Consolidated statement of comprehensive income: Taxes and charges, Current tax.
2)Item from the Consolidated statement of cash flows: Dividends paid.
3) Number of all employment contracts in the ENEA Group companies as at the last day of the year. Includes employees with a temporary suspension of employment, i.e. on parental leaves, unpaid leaves above 30 days and those receiving rehabilitation benefits. Employees on an unpaid leave in one Group company and at the same time working with another company under employment contracts are calculated twice.
4)Total emissions related to the generation of energy by the Kozienice Power Plant, the Połaniec Power Plant, the Białystok CHP Plant, the “Zachód” Heat Plant, MEC Piła and PEC.
5) ) Ratio of total CO₂ emissions associated with electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. In the case of the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec, the calculations are based on total CO₂ emissions for sources that generate only electricity or cogenerate electricity and trace quantities of heat (for methodology reasons, it was impossible to break down the data for the former type of plants). In the case of MEC Piła and ENEA Ciepło, the presented data concern only CO₂ emissions related directly to the generation of electricity, i.e. they do not include emissions related to the generation of heat. Unit emissions for 2020 and 2021 were adjusted in relation to the values published earlier, thanks to the access to more precise data for MEC Piła and ENEA Ciepło.
6) Total amount of funds provided by Group companies to the ENEA Foundation, the “Solidary Miners” Foundation and directly to other entities.
7) No data available for employees of ENEA Serwis’ subcontractors.
8)) No data available for employees of MEC Piła’s subcontractors.
9)As at the end of the reporting period
10) Reflects scheduled and unscheduled interruptions in electricity supply for high and medium voltages.
2)Item from the Consolidated statement of cash flows: Dividends paid.
3) Number of all employment contracts in the ENEA Group companies as at the last day of the year. Includes employees with a temporary suspension of employment, i.e. on parental leaves, unpaid leaves above 30 days and those receiving rehabilitation benefits. Employees on an unpaid leave in one Group company and at the same time working with another company under employment contracts are calculated twice.
4)Total emissions related to the generation of energy by the Kozienice Power Plant, the Połaniec Power Plant, the Białystok CHP Plant, the “Zachód” Heat Plant, MEC Piła and PEC.
5) ) Ratio of total CO₂ emissions associated with electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. In the case of the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec, the calculations are based on total CO₂ emissions for sources that generate only electricity or cogenerate electricity and trace quantities of heat (for methodology reasons, it was impossible to break down the data for the former type of plants). In the case of MEC Piła and ENEA Ciepło, the presented data concern only CO₂ emissions related directly to the generation of electricity, i.e. they do not include emissions related to the generation of heat. Unit emissions for 2020 and 2021 were adjusted in relation to the values published earlier, thanks to the access to more precise data for MEC Piła and ENEA Ciepło.
6) Total amount of funds provided by Group companies to the ENEA Foundation, the “Solidary Miners” Foundation and directly to other entities.
7) No data available for employees of ENEA Serwis’ subcontractors.
8)) No data available for employees of MEC Piła’s subcontractors.
9)As at the end of the reporting period
10) Reflects scheduled and unscheduled interruptions in electricity supply for high and medium voltages.
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