ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Ensuring equality and supporting diversity

  • 3-3
  • 2-23
  • 2-24
  • 2-25

We consider diversity of our staff as value in itself but also as a driver of the organization’s development. Our diversity policy has not been adopted as a separate document (Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. is the only company with such a policy), but for years we have made efforts to ensure that diversity among employees, e.g. diversity of experience, knowledge or interests, is taken into account in our practices.

The diversity issues are addressed in various documents, such as the ENEA Group Code of Ethics, internal collective bargaining agreements, Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct and the ENEA Group Compliance Policy.

Currently, there are no women on the ENEA S.A.’s Management Board, while the ENEA S.A. Supervisory Board is comprised of both women and men. The current gender mix in the Company’s corporate bodies does not ensure differentiation at a level of at least 30%, which is recommended by the Code of Best Practice for WSE Listed Companies 2021 . However, it should be emphasized that the election of members of the company’s corporate bodies is based on the generally applicable provisions of law and the company’s statute, based on the pertinent recruitment documents received. Members of the Management and Supervisory Boards are selected on the basis of various criteria, including gender, education, age and professional experience. Recruitment activities are carried out by the company’s bodies authorized to appoint such individuals.

So far, no diversity figures have been reported to the management boards and supervisory boards of the companies. Selected information on this topic can be found in the section entitled Employment in the ENEA Group section.

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