ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Our values

  • G-P2
  • 2-23
  • 2-24
  • 2-25

The ENEA Group has in place the ENEA Group Code of Ethics  which defines the values that should guide the Employees, selected by them in a survey, and indicating the model conduct for all employees, and introduces standards for relations with customers, business partners, shareholders, local communities and associates.

Our day-to-day work values:

Conduct in line with ethical rules, the law and internal procedures, mutual respect and openness in expressing views and opinions.

Acting in compliance with our declarations with respect to quality, timeliness and reliability of services, performing employee obligations and performing the obligations set forth in social contracts.

Sharing knowledge and continuous upskilling, enabling employees to gain new experience.

Taking preventive and corrective actions in order to ensure a safe working environment, protection of the natural environment and protection of sensitive data, personal data and protected information.

Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” has an internal Code of Ethics for LW “Bogdanka” Group which is consistent with the principles adopted for the entire Group.

We have drawn up the principles of conduct in the ENEA Group. They show us how we should behave in day-to-day professional situations, towards each other, our stakeholders and the environment in which we operate. Thanks to these principles, nearly seventeen thousand employees of the ENEA Group have similar attitudes at work and together build a consistent corporate image.

The principles of conduct can be found on our website.

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