ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Preventing mobbing, discrimination and other human rights violations

  • 3-3
  • S-P5
  • S-P6
  • G-P4
  • 2-23
  • 2-24
  • 2-25

The ENEA Group pursues its business activity complying with ethical principles, respecting human rights and observing the applicable laws. The Company has adopted clear and transparent manners of conduct as regards:

− reporting any potential violations (also anonymously),
− clarifying the reported potential violations,
− monitoring and reporting the found violations periodically to the ENEA S.A. Management Board.

In the area of human rights, the Group gives utmost priority to:

  • strictly observing the principle of equal treatment irrespective of gender, age, origin, social status, health, sexual orientation or beliefs (this means, among others, applying such principles of recruitment to vacancies as ensure equal treatment of candidates, with no discrimination, prejudices or obtainment of the information that could violate the candidate’s rights and dignity, and conditioning the promotion decision on an impartial evaluation of their qualifications, skills and performance),
  • implementing the uniform mobbing prevention policy,
  • providing all support to employees who feel they suffer from mobbing to clarify the case objectively and applying corrective measures if the allegations are confirmed,
  • promoting the right attitudes in the organization and identifying prohibited conduct,
  • enabling employees to express their opinions and influence important issues concerning the organization and conditions of work, management, organizational culture, and enabling them to report the noticed offenses and frauds while ensuring the reporting persons anonymity and confidentiality,
  • protecting personal interests (personal data, sensitive data) of employees and customers,
  • respecting the principle of work-life balance,
  • ensuring the freedom of association,
  • creating a safe work environment.

In its process to develop internal regulations on human rights, the Group draws on the fundamental principles specified in the International Bill of Human Rights and the output of international organizations, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the U.N. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the U.N. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Respecting human rights at the ENEA Group is manifested in internal regulations, initiatives taken and everyday practices.

References to the necessity of respecting human rights are made in:

  • the ENEA Group Code of Ethics, which is a collection of principles of conduct and ethical values underlying long-lasting and transparent relations with all stakeholders. It sets the fundamental values followed by the ENEA Group in internal relations and the external environment. While specifying the Group’s values, the Code pinpoints the principles of conduct to be followed in certain situations faced by employees on a day-to-day basis and not always regulated by generally applicable laws;
  • LW Bogdanka Group Code of Ethics;
  • ENEA Group Compliance Policy, which describes in particular the standards of Compliance with the law, desired conduct of employees and key standards of ethics, which take into account the Group’s interests and are an essential component of its corporate culture. The Policy describes also the possible ways of reporting the identified potential violations;
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct, which identifies unacceptable conduct, the procedures for reporting it and handling the reports, as well as preventive measures in this area and the obligations of employers and employees;
  • Policy for reporting breaches and protecting whistleblowers in the ENEA Group, which comprehensively regulated the matters associated with reporting potential violations. The aim of the introduced system was to ensure that any signals of actions that are not compliant with the applicable law or internal regulations or actions that are unethical will be received, thoroughly analyzed and properly managed, and the person reporting them in good faith (the so-called whistleblower) will be protected.

The following units are responsible for the implementation of and supervision over the foregoing regulations:

  • in the field of counteracting mobbing and Compliance with the ethical principles included in the ENEA Group Code of Ethics – the Group’s Human Resources Management Department;
  • in the field of executing the ENEA Group Compliance Policy, the Policy for reporting breaches and protecting whistleblowers in the ENEA Group – the Group’s Legal and Organizational Management Department, whose director also serves as the ENEA Group Compliance Officer;
  • in the field of the Code of Ethics for the LW Bogdanka Group – the Ethics Officer, who is also responsible for ethical education of employees, and the CSR Inspector.
  • 2-26

All employees are also obligated to monitor their surroundings in the context of the applicable standards. Brochures concerning the ENEA Group Code of Ethics and the Group’s Compliance system as well as a form enabling anonymous and confidential reporting of potential violations have been published on a public website.

Any reports on violations will be examined by the ENEA Group Compliance Committee. At the same time, most Group companies have in place their own special teams to examine suspicions of unacceptable conduct in the workplace. Their task is to provide fair and impartial investigation of all the circumstances of the allegations reported by employees and to issue the relevant recommendations.

  • 406-1

0 confirmed cases of discrimination in the ENEA Group in 2022

Selected actions for human rights undertaken by ENEA Group in 2022 are discussed in the section entitled Selected activities performed in the labor area in 2022.

Equal pay

  • 405-2
  • S-P2
  • 3-3

ENEA Group companies observe the principle of equal pay for the same job.

The gender pay gap related to employees of selected ENEA Group companies working under employment contracts by employee category is as follows:

Employee group Gender pay gap1)
Elektrownia Połaniec
Employees under 30 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Employees aged 30-50 111% 116% 104% Not applicable Not applicable
Employees over 50 96% 139% Not applicable Not applicable 97%
Average pay of women/men 107% 123% 96% Not applicable 94%
Junior managers, i.e. managers and their counterparts (including head foremen and dispatchers)
Employees under 30 81% Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Employees aged 30-50 94% 94% 87% 93% 49%
Employees over 50 93% 100% 106% 80% 88%
Average pay of women/men 96% 97% 91% 89% 68%
Administrative staff
Employees under 30 86% 84% 69% 84% 60%
Employees aged 30-50 86% 83% 75% 90% 92%
Employees over 50 89% 89% 74% 82% 69%
Average pay of women/men 85% 88% 72% 84% 74%
Operational staff
Employees under 30 Not applicable 82% 81% Not applicable Not applicable
Employees aged 30-50 Not applicable 78% 71% Not applicable Not applicable
Employees over 50 Not applicable 80% 83% Not applicable Not applicable
Average pay of women/men Not applicable 79% 77% Not applicable Not applicable
1) Basic salary plus additional amounts, such as seniority, bonuses including cash and share-based bonuses, benefit payments, overtime, equivalents, and any additional reimbursements or allowances (e.g., for commuting, child care, housing allowance). The reported data concern exclusively pays of employees working under employment contracts.

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