ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Employment in the ENEA Group

As at 31 December 2022, the ENEA Group companies employed in total
17,588 persons1) under employment contracts, including ENEA S.A. – 421 persons.

¹⁾ Includes employees with a temporary suspension of employment, i.e. on parental leaves, unpaid leaves above 30 days and those receiving rehabilitation benefits. Employees on an unpaid leave in one Group company and at the same time working with another company under employment contracts are calculated twice in the presented statements.

Employment structure in the ENEA Group in 2022

  • 2-7
  • 2-8
  • 401-1

Total number of staff employed under employment contracts 17,588
full-time employees – women 3,227
full-time employees – men 14,308
part-time employees – women 26
part-time employees – men 27
persons employed under employment contracts for an indefinite term – women 2,890
persons employed under employment contracts for an indefinite term – men 13,029
including other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, traineeship and replacement contracts) – women 363
including other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, traineeship and replacement contracts) – men 1,306

Gender diversity of ENEA Group’s staff

  • 405-1

Gender diversity of groups of positions 2022
senior management (i.e. members of Management Board and Supervisory Board) – women1) 37
senior management – men1) 123
directors – women 41
directors – men 171
junior managers – women2) 267
junior managers – men2) 975
operational staff – women 299
operational staff – men 9,642
administrative staff – women 2,646
administrative staff – men 3,547
1) Includes individuals working under management contracts and employees appointed for supervisory boards.
2) Including head foremen and dispatchers.

Men and women under an employment contract, by age group 2022
Employees under 30 – women 400
Employees under 30 – men 1,805
Employees aged 30-50 – women 2,024
Employees aged 30-50 – men 8,350
Employees over 50 – women 829
Employees over 50 – men 4,180

Employee turnover

  • 401-1
  • S-P3

Recruitment for the company 2020 2021 2022
Total number of new staff employed under employment contracts1) 1,187 1,010 1,152
Women 217 219 337
Men 970 791 815
employees under 30 562 431 509
employees aged 30-50 524 483 551
employees over 50 101 96 92
New staff employment ratio2) 6.8% 5.8% 6.5%
1) Number of new employees hired by ENEA Group companies through external as well as internal recruitment.
2) The ratio of new employees to all employees.

Number of staff leaving the company 2020 2021 2022
Total number of staff employed under employment contracts leaving1) 998 1,019 1,023
Women 162 204 202
Men 836 815 821
employees under 30 191 205 209
employees aged 30-50 332 319 354
employees over 50 475 496 460
Turnover rate2) 5.7% 5.8% 5.8%
1) The number of employees who left during the year refers to the termination of employment contracts between ENEA Group companies and their employees.
2) The ratio of the number of employees that left to all employees.

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