ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Freedom of association, social dialog and participation in decision-making

  • S-P4

The ENEA Group respects the right of its employees to associate in trade unions and to be actively involved in their activities, and carefully processes any objections, suggestions and opinions presented through trade unions.

Trade unions operating in key companies and in companies with the largest headcounts in the ENEA Group

  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of the Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians in ENEA S.A.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Company Organization of ENEA
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Continuous Operation Employees of ENEA S.A. Group
  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of the Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians in ENEA S.A.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union, Company Trade Union Organization in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Continuous Operation Employees of ENEA S.A. Group
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Company Organization of ENEA
  • “Energetyk” Inter-Company Trade Union Organization in Połaniec
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Trade Union of Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant and the Companies
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Continuous Operation Employees in Połaniec
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant in Zawada
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Company Commission at ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Shift Workers of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of the Trade Union of Engineers and Technicians in ENEA S.A.
  • Inter-Company Power Engineering Trade Union of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Supervision Employees of the Połaniec Power Plant in Zawada
  • “Synergia” Inter-Company Trade Union of the ENEA Group Employees
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Company Organization of ENEA
  • Inter-Company Trade Union Organization of ENEA Ciepło sp. z o.o. in Białystok at the National Union of Heat Sector Employees
  • Inter-Company Trade Union of Continuous Operation Employees of ENEA S.A. Group
  • NSZZ “Solidarność” Inter-Company Organization of Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.
  • Trade Union of Miners in Poland at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.
  • “Kadra” Trade Union at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.
  • “Przeróbka” Trade Union of Mechanical Coal Processing Plants’ Employees in Poland at Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka S.A.

The management boards of Group companies are engaged in continuous dialog with trade unions. Meetings with them are organized at least a few times a year, and the information about planned operational changes is provided to the social stakeholder without undue delay. Employees have an opportunity to file complaints about breaches of their rights and about other irregularities. In 2019, a social contract was signed, which among others set out the rules of stabilization of employment. Additionally, in response to postulates of trade unions in respect to salary growth, annual salary negotiations are conducted, unless the parties agree otherwise. The year 2021 was such a case, when an agreement governing remuneration raises in 2021 and 2022 was signed. Social stakeholders actively cooperate with employers in amendments to internal labor regulations.

In 2021, a team was appointed at LWB to conduct negotiations with trade unions operating in the company as regards amendments to the bargaining agreements and to clarify disputed provisions of the bargaining agreement applicable at LWB. In other companies, task forces are appointed when the bargaining agreements need amending.

Employees are covered by collective agreements, i.e. e.g. internal collective bargaining agreements in the majority of ENEA Group companies:

  • 2-30

Company % of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements
(as at 31 December 2022)
ENEA Centrum 100%
ENEA Ciepło – Head Office 100%
ENEA Ciepło – Białystok Division 100%
ENEA Połaniec Power Plant 100%
ENEA Logistyka 100%
ENEA Nowa Energia 100%
ENEA Operator 100%
ENEA Oświetlenie 100%
ENEA Pomiary 100%
ENEA Serwis 100%
Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka 100%
PEC Oborniki 100%
ENEA Wytwarzanie 99%
ENEA S.A. 93%
ENEA Trading 25%
ENEA Bioenergia 0%
ENEA Innowacje 0%
ENEA Połaniec Serwis 0%
MEC Piła 0%
MR Bogdanka 0%
RG Bogdanka 0%

ENEA Group employees influence its operation and operation of their companies also by electing their representatives to supervisory boards (of most of the Group companies1)) and by electing employee representatives to employee councils (currently only in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant).

1) In the case of ENEA S.A. and ENEA Wytwarzanie this right is derived directly from the Act on commercialization and certain employee rights.

As at the date of publication of this report (26 May 2023), there were no pending collective disputes in the ENEA Group.

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