ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Health promotion programs

  • 403-6

Many ENEA Group companies provide their employees with access to private medical services and health care not directly linked to the professional area, purchasing appropriate subscriptions for them. Employees usually receive a basic package allowing them to use a specific set of specialist consultations and prevention programs (tests, vaccinations). The employees may pay for an extension of this package and also for the medical care to cover their family members. Moreover, some companies offer the possibility of taking out a medicine insurance, including for family members.

ENEA Połaniec, ENEA Połaniec Serwis and ENEA Bioenergia pay for above-standard medical services provided to employees, their family members and retired employees, in the medical center located near the work establishment. Employees of those companies may also apply for the employer’s support in case of a severe or a long-lasting illness (e.g. for purchasing medicines or rehabilitation equipment, financing a surgery).

The Group companies and the ENEA Foundation organize regular prevention campaigns for Employees, which include advice, lectures or tests.

Actions implemented in 2022

  • This year’s edition of ENEA Group’s “Mission: Prevention” project was dedicated to the prevention of eye diseases. Employees had the opportunity to take advantage of free examinations and take part in an online meeting with doctors who presented the principles of eye hygiene and suggested exercises.
  • ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec and ENEA Bioenergia continued the “ENEA for Women” project for another year, inviting all female employees to free check-ups and workshops on preventive health care, including early detection of cancer. These included a visit to the Cytobus, dieting consultations, body composition and BMI analysis, workshops with a psychologist and a cosmetologist.
  • ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec, ENEA Połaniec Serwis and ENEA Bioenergia entered into a new agreement with the social stakeholder concerning a health care program, under which the companies will finance the package of additional medical benefits and provide support in the event of serious and protracted illness of an employee.
  • Starting in 2022, ENEA S.A. employees will be able to benefit from free targeted preventive health check-ups for men and women. They will also have access to a medicine insurance program that reimburses up to 80% of the cost of medicine. Also, this was another year, in which the company offered willing employees the opportunity to receive free, 12-day preventive health care stay at the ENERGETYK Spa Hospital in Inowrocław. Starting in 2022, the company has been offering cancer insurance to interested employees.
  • It has financed flu vaccinations for all willing employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie and their family members, and for the company’s pensioners. During the Power Engineer’s Day, LUX MED, the company’s private health care provider, put up a tent where it provided basic examinations and free medical aid to the company’s retired employees. In 2022, LUX MED also offered special programs to its patients, including the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity, and the prevention of women’s diseases.
  • ENEA Centrum financed flu vaccinations for its employees.
  • As part of its annual Safety Days event, LWB organized Health Days. The event took place at the company’s headquarters and was divided into two thematic blocks: post-covid prevention and cancer prevention. In a single day, employees were able to check up their health after COVID-19 by undergoing consultations with specialists (cardiologist, pulmonologist, neurologist) and making basic blood tests. The second day was devoted to cancer prevention, including a radiology or ultrasound consultation, and self-examination training.

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