ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Occupational health and safety

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As regards OHS, the ENEA Group operates in accordance the applicable regulations while constantly adjusting its internal policies in this respect to the regulatory environment. Group companies strive to eliminate accidents at work and occupational diseases and to raise awareness of occupational hazards among employees (among others through training and knowledge contests), as well as to increase their responsibility and involvement in improving safety at work. They also introduce further ergonomic improvements (e.g. equipping workstations with footrests or wrist pads, replacing office chairs with ones with adjustable armrests).

Wiktoria Kępczyńska Senior OHS Specialist at ENEA S.A.

The Group monitors new technical and organizational solutions affecting the OHS level. Its state is continuously monitored and improved, which is supported by the policies, procedures and instructions that are in place. They require, among others, regular inspection of tools and equipment, ongoing monitoring of working conditions and influencing employee awareness and conduct.

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Some units have social labor inspectors appointed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for appointing Social Labor Inspectors in the ENEA Group, who inspect the OHS conditions on behalf of employees and put forward improvement proposals. Employee representatives also sit on OHS committees operating in some of the companies.

Because of the continuing state of epidemic threat, the crisis management center still operated in 2022 and monitored the COVID-19 situation on an ongoing basis, assessed risks, issued recommendations on work organization and communicated with employees on the existing hazards through information guides, instructions, and messages. Work in the office was organized in accordance with the sanitary restrictions and at the same time the possibility of remote work was provided. All OHS orders, indications and guidelines relating to the ongoing epidemic are drawn up by the COVID-19 prevention, containment and combat staff operating at the level of individual companies. In addition, the risks associated with the disease and protection measures are taken into account in occupational risk assessment processes. At present, stationary work has been resumed due to the absence of restrictions.

The key measures undertaken by the ENEA Group to ensure occupational safety include:

  • Implementation of effective fire safety measures,
  • Observing the recommendations of the occupational health function, including medical examinations,
  • Conducting regular occupational health and safety training – for new employees and periodic training,
  • Creating appropriate working conditions and mitigating risks as they emerge,
  • Developing appropriate documentation that defines workplace risks and methods for preventing accidents,
  • Ensuring ergonomic conditions when working with computers,
  • Constant monitoring and analysis of accidents,
  • Training employees in safety.

OHS documents in leading ENEA Group companies which are important in this area

  • ENEA S.A.’s Work Rules and Regulations
  • OHS training programs for ENEA S.A.
  • Other instructions (Instruction on occupational risk assessment and documentation; first aid instructions; fire safety instructions)
  • Procedure of occupational risk assessment and documentation in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Fire safety procedure in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure defining the principles of cooperation in OHS area between ENEA Operator sp. z o.o. and Contractors
  • Periodic OHS training procedure in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for live-line working on 15 and 20 KV overhead grids in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Training procedure for live-line working in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Fall protection procedure for working at height in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for the organization of safe work with power generators in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure of work organization during tree, branch and undergrowth removal in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure concerning rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for granting authorization to issue orders on live working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for granting dispatcher authorizations and authorizations to perform switching actions in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for record-keeping and inspection of electrical insulation protective equipment and voltage indicating devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Document circulation procedure for specialist instructions on the fall protection and evacuation rules while working at height in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • First Aid Procedure in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for security of facilities and lands of ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for qualification committees for establishing qualification requirements of persons handling the operation and supervision of power generation equipment operating at ENEA Operator
  • Rules and Regulations for professional preparation of new Energy Post employees
  • Instructions (Instruction on organization of safe work with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.; Instruction on organization of work installing and replacing balancing meters and communication modules in MV /LV transformer stations for the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) project, operating instructions of power facilities and devices, job instructions)
  • Other instructions (Standard equipment for Energy Posts and vehicles of Energy Posts teams; Methods of fall protection and evacuation for works at height in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.; Notification to the National Labor Inspectorate / District Prosecutor’s Office of a fatal, serious, collective accident; Notification of an accident; Standardization – safety tables and signs and identification boards – templates and rules of their use in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.)
  • Integrated Management System including the Occupational Health and Safety Management System
  • Instruction on Safe Work Organization in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant
  • Instruction on conduct in case of accidents and sudden illnesses and post-accident procedure
  • Instruction on conducting and documenting OHS training and granting authorizations in the work organization process in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant
  • Instruction on the assignment of working clothes and footwear, personal protective equipment and cleaning products to employees
  • Fire safety instruction in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant
  • Instruction on the tobacco smoking ban, including novel tobacco products and electronic cigarettes
  • Occupational health and safety monitoring procedure
  • Procedure to identify hazards, assess occupational risk and other risks for the OHS management system
  • Policy of Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System
  • OHS Monitoring Procedure
  • Procedure Identification of hazards and evaluation of OHS risks and opportunities
  • Instructions (Instruction on the assessment of occupational risk at workplace; Instruction on the investigation of accidents at work, occupational diseases and potential occurrences; Instruction on the Safe Work Organization; job and OHS instructions, OHS instructions on the operation of devices)
  • Work Rules and Regulations for Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Ordinance on the employer’s responsibility for OHS
  • Induction, on-the-job and regular training programs for employees
  • Rules and Regulations of Organizational Units of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Mine Safety Document
  • PZ/S/05/01 Accidents at work and other OHS incidents
  • PZ/S/05/02 Accidents on the way to or from work
  • PZ/S/05/03 Management of occupational risk
  • PZ/S/05/04 Monitoring of OHS area
  • PZ/S/05/05 Monitoring of legal regulations and standards in OHS area
  • PZ/S/05/06 Highly hazardous work
  • PZ/S/05/07 Dealing with suspected occupational diseases
  • PZ/S/05/08 Plans to improve OHS conditions
  • PZ/S/05/09 Management of the Safety Document
  • PZ/S/05/10 Work environment monitoring
  • Work Rules and Regulations
  • Guidelines and instructions of the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Safety Management System
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement
  • Ordinance of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager.
  • Orders of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager.
  • Procedure for reporting accidents at work
  • Warehouse OHS instructions (Instruction on the use of a forklift truck; Instruction on the use of a mobile platform; Instruction on manual transportation activities)
  • Instruction on the operation and maintenance of shelving racks
  • Instruction on the use of a pneumatic table sealer
  • Instruction on spraying electricity meters with a spray gun
  • Fire emergency instruction
  • Other instructions (Instruction on the use of a computer with a display screen and a printer; Instruction on the use of a shredder)
  • A range of instructions concerning safe work at the company in times of the COVID-19 pandemic (instructions for wearing the safety mask, use of safety gloves, effective disinfection of hands, secure remote work, etc.)
  • Instruction for movement of people for building C of ENEA Pomiary sp. z o.o. at ul. Strzeszyńska 58 in Poznań
  • Procedure for reporting accidents at work and accidents while traveling to or from work in ENEA Serwis sp. z o.o.
  • Procedure for live-line working
  • Instructions (Office/administrative job instruction; Wireman job instruction; other job instructions)
  • Work Rules and Regulations for ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. Employees
  • Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • OHS -related instructions (among others: Instruction on the organization of safe work with power devices in ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o.; Electrical equipment installer job instruction; Non-electrician job instruction; Instruction on the use of lines and road lighting devices in ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o.; Electrical equipment installer job instruction on measurement of power devices of a portable measuring laboratory; instructions on marking of road lane works; OHS instruction on transport, unloading/loading, storage and assembly of lighting poles; OHS instruction on warehousing and storage of materials; OHS instruction on transport works; OHS instruction on the ladder use; OHS instruction on the use of a computer and a printer)
  • OHS instruction on the use of office equipment (e.g. binder machines, photocopiers) and OHS instruction on the use of other equipment (e.g. drills, circular saws for wood cutting, grinders)
  • Rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o. 

OHS issues are also taken into consideration in internal collective bargaining agreements.

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In ENEA Bioenergia, ENEA Połaniec Power Plant, ENEA Wytwarzanie and LWB, OHS management systems conforming to the PN-ISO 45001:2018 standard have been implemented, which cover all employees and all individuals, whose work or work location is controlled by the company.

Accidents at work in ENEA Group in 2022

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Accidents at work in ENEA Group in 2022
Number of fatalities Number of all the reported accidents
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
Employees 1 0 3 163 162 1221)
Including in ENEA S.A. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subcontractors 02) 02) 12),3) 952) 1072) 972),3)
Including in ENEA S.A. 0 0 0 0 0 0
1) No data available for employees of RG Bogdanka.
2) No data available for employees of ENEA Serwis’ subcontractors.
3) No data available for employees of subcontractors of RG Bogdanka, MEC Piła and ENEA Operator.

In February 2022, a fatal accident occurred during a repair of ENEA Operator’s power grid in Wojcieszyce. An employee performing repairs after a weekend windstorm was fatally electrocuted. As a response, the company discussed the causes of the accident during periodic OHS training sessions and delivered additional training sessions for employees responsible for the operation of the power grid.

In the same year, a fatal accident occurred also in ENEA Wytwarzanie during the performance of official duties. As a response, a team was appointed to inspect the lathe, as a result of which partly torn and damaged machine components were disclosed. Repair work was carried out and the assessment of occupational risk at the workplace where the accident occurred was updated.

The cause of the fatality in LWB was gravitational subsidence of hydrated winnings inside a holding tank. Post-accident measures: altering the holding tank service posts, equipping these posts with video surveillance and updating the instruction and assessment of occupational risk.

Selected activities implemented in 2022 in the OHS area

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At ENEA Centrum, follow-up audits were carried out at locations where non-compliance in the OHS area was found during the 2021 inspection of working conditions.

At ENEA Ciepło – Bialystok Division, OHS training included, in addition to the basic program, the use of external defibrillators. A number of measures was also taken to mitigate risks related to equipment and machinery, such as: reinforcing the barriers of transport hatches in the carburizing area; replacing the guard of the chipper belt conveyor; securing infrastructure elements where there was a risk of falling from heights; securing canopies over electrical equipment in the outdoor area; replacing knives used in the laboratory department with safer ones with self-retracting blades; replacing high temperature warning signs with new ones; clearly marking equipment that is out of service; repositioning pictograms with information about hazards inside the biomass plant to ensure visibility even when the doors are open.

ENEA Połaniec Power Plant underwent a supervisory audit of the Integrated Management System, which did not find any irregularities in the occupational health and safety area. Moreover, the company organized another edition of the “OHS Leader” competition, in which the title, which is a form of a reward for attitudes and actions that improve the health and safety of employees, was awarded to 12 individuals working for the power plant and for cooperating ENEA Group companies. The company also held the 24th edition of a competition for the dissemination of knowledge of OHS regulations and continued the “We only engage in safe work” campaign to improve the safety of contractors’ work. As part of this campaign, employees of external companies are required to undergo extended introductory training provided by the company’s OHS function; 2464 people completed this training in 2022.

The Safe Work Leaders Selection Committee operating at the Central Institute for Labor Protection – National Research Institute in Warsaw, decided to award ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec with the Safe Work Leader Golden Card for 2022-2023.

ENEA Połaniec Service has purchased personal protective equipment for working at height and maintenance equipment for lifting and hauling equipment to increase the mechanization of maintenance and repair work. The company also developed technological manuals containing procedures for the organization of safe maintenance and repair work. 30 willing employees have been trained in advanced first aid.

At ENEA Bioenergia, some of the work that was previously done manually is now carried out with the use of machines (mowers, sweepers, sand spreaders, etc.). Additionally, a seminar on “Chemical hazards in the work environment” was organized together with CIOP-PIB for employees of the OHS department. The company also worked with the institute to perform quantitative and qualitative tests of harmful microbiological factors in selected sampling points at the company’s premises.

As part of the accident and occupational disease prevention program, ENEA Operator and ENEA Pomiary prepared and published 12 issues of the „Safe Work” bulletin. The bulletins covered topics such as fire hazards in energy-related facilities, safety of mast storage, technical safety of vehicles and ergonomics of working with computer monitors. In addition, the former company continued the “Our Choice – Safe Work” educational campaign.

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