ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Selected activities performed in the labor area in 2022

In ENEA Ciepło – Bialystok Division, a task force was established to counteract bullying, discrimination and other unacceptable behavior, and training workshops were started on this subject. A development program for managers was also launched, with the main objective of unifying the knowledge, awareness and skills necessary to effectively lead a team and achieve professional goals through cooperation of collaborative teams.

ENEA Operator undertook a project to develop an innovative training path for the profession of electrical engineer and to adapt vocational training to the current situation in the labor market. The company also signed a letter of intent to establish an industrial Skills Center at the Electrical Engineering School Complex in Gorzow Wielkopolski.

An e-learning platform was launched at LWB, enabling remote learning for employees. Managers were covered by the Management by Objectives program.

At RG “Bogdanka” a new program supporting competence development was launched – the management staff was enrolled in post-graduate studies for mining industry personnel.

At ENEA Nowa Energia, a Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable behaviors was implemented.

See also the section entitled HR Policy Implementation at the ENEA Group in 2022 in the Management Board Report on the activitiy of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Group in 2022

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