ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for
GRI:[ ]

Communication and stakeholder engagement

We also include building positive relations with our stakeholders in the sustainable management of our organization. We strive to ensure that their expectations are taken into account on important socio-economic topics. The synergy effect resulting from cooperation with various entities is important to us.

Natalia Górna Director of the Group Corporate Communication and External Relations Department

Communication and stakeholder engagement

  • 2-29

We strive to ensure that our key decisions take into account the needs and expectations of our socio-economic environment. For this purpose, we engage in continuous communication with our stakeholders, adapting the communication channels and language to each group. We not only inform about our activities, but also gather opinions and conduct an open dialog.

Key stakeholders of the ENEA Group

Selected tools for communication and engagement with the surrounding of ENEA Group and its companies

  • surveys,
  • corporate Intranet, including “Enea News” and “Enea Flash” newsletters, the Employee Zone tab and Intranet sites of individual companies,
  • SAP employee portal,
  • mobiBogdanka mobile phone application (implemented in 2022), mirroring the functionality of the LWB Intranet,
  • mailings,
  • chat rooms (Jabber),
  • corporate newsletters,
  • radio broadcasts,
  • noticeboards,
  • an outdoor totem at the Kozienice Power Plant (since 2022),
  • meetings (also with management boards of companies),
  • tele- and videoconferencing,
  • training and workshops, including online,
  • cooperation with trade unions and employee councils,
  • meetings and other forms of direct communication with selected employees,
  • e-mail box for submission of ideas to improve work and processes (,
  • e-mail box for questions on employee matters (,
  • meetings and newsletters addressed to managers.
  • satisfaction surveys (including focus groups),
  • Customer Service Offices and Sales Offices,
  • trade partners and account managers,
  • online communications and information (for the media and about the offer and billing mechanisms on the website),
  • Electronic Customer Service Office (eBOK),
  • chat with a consultant,,
  • customer information line (+48 611 11 11 11),
  • electronic applications,
  • SMS or e-mail messages providing information about the customer’s case status,
  • information inserts sent together with invoices,
  • participation in social information campaigns organized by specialized entities.
  • stock market information, financial results,
  • a website with technical documentation for suppliers of fuels, components and raw materials,
  • Basic expectations prevailing in the ENEA Group with respect to business partners and compliance of their activity with generally applicable laws, market and ethical standards; ENEA Group’s Code of Conduct for Contractors, which defines our basic expectations of our business partners with respect to their compliance with generally applicable laws, market and ethical standards, the ENEA Group Code of Ethics, which creates standards and transparent rules in relations with customers and the environment,
  • BIP website,
  • purchasing platform for contractors and suppliers and tenders,
  • trade meetings, fairs.
  • current and periodic reports,
  • a website for investors of ENEA S.A. and a website for investors of LW “Bogdanka” S.A. (also available in English),
  • Electronic Information Transmission System (ESPI) and Electronic Information Database (EBI),
  • direct meetings, e.g. held as part of the Investor Days or during industry conferences,
  • one-on-one meetings between the ENEA S.A. Management Board and financial managers with analysts and investors,
  • performance meetings (broadcast live on the Internet), during which questions are also answered,
  • mailing to analysts,
  • Information cooperation with the Association of Private Investors,
  • direct e-mail and telephone contacts by Investor Relations staff,
  • General Meetings.
  • contacts and cooperation with the ENEA Foundation,
  • employee volunteerism,
  • direct meetings and cooperation with representatives of local communities,
  • participation in industry and social responsibility events,
  • participation in social information campaigns.
  • statements and reports for the specific institutions,
  • direct communication,
  • conferences.
  • membership, participation in working groups and governing and decision-making bodies,
  • joint and supportive social media communications and press releases,
  • participation in social information campaigns,
  • joint substantive analysis of market and economic phenomena supporting ENEA Group’s activities in the market environment,
  • participation of representatives of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Group in substantive debates, industry and economic congresses and conferences,
  • direct meetings.
  • direct meetings, participation in local events, including ones related to ENEA Group’s investments,
  • conferences.
  • current activities of the press office and spokesperson of ENEA S.A. and communication units of companies,
  • correspondence via,
  • Live broadcasts of press conferences, including on our You Tube channel,
  • website,
  • press conferences, briefings, press breakfasts,
  • direct e-mail and telephone contacts with employees of the Investor Relations Department.

The following tools are generally used to communicate with all of the above stakeholders:

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2022, communication with stakeholders was largely conducted through remote channels (tele- and video-conferences, websites, social media, etc.).

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