ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Ethical market practices

  • 2-23
  • 2-24
  • 2-25

The ENEA Group applies the Best Practices of Electricity and Gaseous Fuel Suppliers of the Energy Trading Association, as well as its Enea S.A. Sales Standards for Business Clients, Code of Best Practices for the processing of personal data in the sales area and the Sustainable Direct Marketing Policy at ENEA S.A., due to which its customers have the guarantee of fair treatment and respecting their rights. The company carefully complies with the terms and conditions of agreements signed with them. It analyzes in detail complaints and other reports of recipients of its services and, based on the analysis, its modifies processes and educates its employees.

ENEA Operator implements the unbundling guidelines of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for separating distribution and sales activities by taking e.g. the following measures:

  1. It does not promote or recommend any companies involved in the generation or sale of electricity to third parties; it does not display promotional or advertising materials of energy companies while performing processes related to customer service.
  2. It has its own visual identity.
  3. It uses separate communication channels (website, e-mail address domain, telephone numbers).
  • 206-1
  • 417-3

In 2022, there were no pending lawsuits against ENEA Group companies relating to anti-competitive conduct and violations of anti-monopoly regulations. They did not violate any regulations or voluntary marketing communication codes either. Standards of advertising ethics were violated, however, by the Polish Power Plants Association, which is composed, among others, of two ENEA Group companies: ENEA Elektrownia Połaniec and ENEA Wytwarzanie. In 2022, the organization carried out a billboard advertising campaign dedicated to the causes of energy price rises in Poland and Europe. The Advertising Council decided that the initiative violated the standards of the Code of Ethics in Advertising as regards providing reliable information to consumers. The Council stated that, in accordance with experts’ estimates, the European Union’s climate policy accounts for approx. 20%–30% of energy generation costs instead of 60%, as was claimed in the communications.

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