ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

The quality and availability of our services are vital for the comfort of life and work of millions of Poles, therefore we adjust our actions to their needs and expectations every year. All the time, we continue to extend the offering and raise the service standards, develop activities for reliability of energy supplies, analyze the level of customers’ satisfaction and care for security of their data.


We offer individual customers both electricity and packages containing additional services and products such as assistance of professionals in removing small failures at home or innovative devices for smart home management. Business customers can take advantage of specialized services supporting their activities, such as access to an IT system that supports the management of power consumption, or a reactive power compensation service. We also have other products related to the production of energy from renewable sources, which are available to our customers.

Selected products and services for households

Enea Smart –electricity as part of the package of solutions which will, depending on the option selected, facilitate a more effective management of consumption of electricity and heating in individual rooms, or secure a house against fire, flooding or burglary.

ENERGIA+ Repairman  – electricity coupled with the service of small household repairs. Since 2022, the product has been available also with an EKO option, in which guarantees of origin of electricity from renewable sources are purchased.

Repairman – the small household repairs service not linked to an electricity sales agreement.

Photovoltaics+ – an offer launched in 2022, which includes: devices to generate, store and efficiently use electricity, for example photovoltaic installations, heat pumps, energy storage, as well as an analysis of the customer’s needs and technical capabilities, assistance in selecting devices, support in connecting photovoltaic installations to the grid and in obtaining government grants and modernization tax relief.

EKO Oferta –launched in 2022, this offer for households includes the purchase of guarantees of origin for electricity, certifying the renewable origin of the energy.

Offering for G12as tariff group customers –offering of lower rates for electricity used at night provided it is used for the purpose of ecological heating of the home or charging an electric car.

Selected products and services for businesses

Price guarantee – a guarantee that electricity prices would not change during the term of the agreement.

Zawsze Taniej [Always Cheaper] – introduced in 2022, it is a guaranteed discount on the electricity prices resulting from the tariff for Business customers.

ENERGIA+ Professional – electricity as part of a package with professional consulting services making it possible to optimize its consumption; including energy audit. Through this product, ENEA S.A. offers its business customers the service of reactive power compensation, which is aimed at: diagnosing the reasons for above-contractual consumption of reactive power, selecting, supplying and installing a device to reduce the excessive consumption of reactive power by the end-user installation and consequently reducing or eliminating additional charges for energy distribution services. The environmental effect is derived from increasing the efficiency of electricity use and reducing the likelihood of overloading distribution networks.

Photovoltaics+ - an offer launched in 2022, which includes: devices to generate, store and efficiently use electricity, for example photovoltaic installations, heat pumps, energy storage, as well as an analysis of the customer’s needs and technical capabilities, assistance in selecting devices, support in connecting photovoltaic installations to the grid and in obtaining government grants and modernization tax relief.

Enea Smart Biznes – electricity in a package with smart devices that allow users to manage its consumption more efficiently and control heating and additionally protect a business against fire, flooding or burglary.

Enea Optima  – cloud-based software that helps companies use electricity rationally through effective and efficient controlling of power flows and by optimizing quality and cost parameters of electricity. The user with an Internet-enabled computer, laptop or smartphone is able to create a mobile energy management center, reducing the environmental impact through the ability to curb consumption.

ENERGIA+ Spot – a product in which the customer may affect energy prices not only based on the Day-Ahead Market quotations, but also based on the Property Rights Market quotations; the Customer also receives a guarantee of safe choice – when POLPX prices increase suddenly, the customer may switch to fix price settlements (based on the Forward Power Products Market on POLPX) in a selected period.

ENERGIA+ Spot24 – a simplified version of the ENERGIA+ Spot product introduced in 2022, in which the price of electricity is determined on the basis of Day-Ahead Market prices.

ENERGIA+ Spot24U – a product launched in 2022, where the settlement price is determined on the basis of Day-Ahead Market prices. Addressed to eligible customers within the meaning of the Act of 27 October 2022 on emergency measures to reduce electricity prices and support certain consumers in 2023, who enter into contracts for 2023.

ENERGIA+ Trend24 – a product introduced in 2022, in which the customer can set the price of energy based on the quotations for energy products on the Commodity Forward Market at POLPX. Under the product, the price of electricity can be determined based on mandates submitted by customers, specifying the volume of energy and the maximum price in the period specified by the customer.

PPA service – a service that allows the customer to purchase energy from an electricity producer of its choice, with ENEA S.A. offering the balancing and securing the supply of any missing volume.

Our customers may take advantage of the Shopping Zone and obtain attractive discounts from our partners.
A detailed offering can be found at website.


As at the publication date of this report (26 May 2023), we the work was pending on incorporating the insurance of photovoltaic installations in the offer for individual customers, as well as remote IT assistance for individual clients and businesses from the SME and SOHO segments. In addition, the possibility of introducing a product that combines the sale of electricity with LED lighting has been analyzed.

In 2022, in connection with:

  • high volatility of prices on the gas fuel market, the execution of new gas fuel contracts was suspended,
  • high volatility of prices on the electricity market, sales of tranche products and the ENERGIA+ Trend product, in which the energy settlement price is determined on the basis of tranches submitted by customers based on the quotation of exchange commodities on the Polish Power Exchange was suspended,
  • the entry into force of the Act of 27 October 2022 on emergency measures to reduce electricity prices and support certain consumers in 2023, price-guaranteed products were withdrawn from sale to business customers.

As of 1 January2023, we no longer provide comprehensive gas fuel sales services to individual and small business customers. Gas supply to individual customers continues automatically without any action on their part. Our focus is on the sale and supply of electricity. We are a responsible company, which is why we informed our customers about solutions that would ensure lower gas prices than those that we could offer them in the current, unstable situation on the fuel market.

Magdalena Majchrzycka Director of the Group Sales Department

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