ESG Report of the
ENEA Capital Group for

Social projects and employee volunteerism

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The Group pursues various initiatives in response to the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, locally, regionally and nationally. The key documents regulating the rules of the its social involvement include:

- Rules for handling applications for support in the social involvement area in the ENEA Group,
- Rules for conducting public relations activities and social partnership activities in the ENEA Group,
- Rules and Regulations of Employee Volunteerism in the ENEA Group,
- LWB Social Engagement Policy (updated in 2022).

Social involvement is coordinated by the Corporate Social Responsibility Office (hereinafter referred to as the CSR), which is part of the Group’s Brand Sponsoring, Promotion and Management Department. The ENEA Foundation, which is a public benefit organization, is the competence center for the Group’s social initiatives; it provides financial support for social objectives using donations received from Group companies. Its goals and principles of operation are defined by:

- Charter of the ENEA Foundation,
- Organizational Rules and Regulations of the ENEA Foundation,
- Rules and Regulations on granting support by the ENEA Foundation.

By implementing the ENEA Group’s corporate social responsibility policy, the Foundation conducts activities that have lasting social effects. For this purpose, it organizes well thought-out and innovative projects in areas such as safety, education for children and youth, protection of the environment, assistance for the needy and sports, culture and art. In emergencies, such as epidemics, natural disasters or humanitarian crises caused by war, the Foundation provides direct support to the victims and to health care establishments. Apart from conducting its own activities, it supports socially beneficial initiatives pursued by other parties and supports current and former employees.

Another entity conducting active social involvement activities is the “Solidary Miners” Foundation established by LWB. Its objective is to support financially employees of LWB Group companies and their families, victims of accidents, people suffering from illnesses or those in a difficult financial situation. The organization also supports talents, cultural, environmental and health promotion initiatives.

The Group’s companies organize and support numerous charitable campaigns, educational undertakings or local events (e.g. workshops, contests, tournaments, fairs and picnics). They provide financial, material and organizational support to social initiatives, educational and care institutions, sports clubs, etc. The Group’s employees are also involved in the life of their communities and the Group supports their activities undertaken, among others, in the form of employee volunteerism.

Social involvement of ENEA Group in 2022

In connection with Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, support activities for refugees were performed throughout the last year. The ENEA Group made available its three holiday resorts, which provided safe shelter for about 270 people, mainly mothers with children, during the most difficult period. In addition, in cooperation with public benefit organizations, help was organized in the border areas and in centers inside the country. Overall, in 2022, the Foundation donated over PLN 5.5 million for purposes related to the support of the people of Ukraine.

Łukasz Nowakowski President of the Management Board of the ENEA Foundation

The children and youth staying in the centers could rely on the support offered by the ENEA Foundation, which – in cooperation with Caritas Polska – provided them with learning aids and other necessary school supplies. Where the centers’ administrators reported such a need, it also helped with essential daily necessities, such as clothing and cleaning supplies. The organization also carried out a special edition of the “Power of Helping” employee initiative support program entitled “To the aid of Ukraine!”.

Another important area of the Foundation’s support continued to be initiatives addressed to employees, such as health prevention programs, e.g. “Mission: Prevention”, and financing of grassroots activities by employee groups through “Power of Helping”, a periodic grant program. It also supported, among others, integration and professional and social integration and reintegration of people at risk of exclusion, physical exercise and sports (including Paralympic and amateur sports), as well as historical and environmental education.

The “Solidary Miners” Foundation helped victims of the war in Ukraine. It provided them with accommodation in LWB’s training center in Stary Tartak and transport from the border deeper into Poland and offered in-kind donations. It supported LWB’s employees engaged in the assistance at the Polish-Ukrainian border and in temporary accommodation facilities for Ukrainians. It cooperated with local governments and non-governmental organizations, including in the form of delivering donations from a British foundation. Apart from actions for people affected by the war, the Foundation focused on social problems caused by the epidemic: financing the purchase of necessary medical and rehabilitation equipment for people in a difficult life situation, and providing organizational, material and financial support to health care, educational and nursing institutions, for example in the purchase of medical equipment and medicines, or renovations.

In 2022, the Foundation continued its cooperation with the Grand Theater in Poznań, the Musical Theater in Poznań and the Pomeranian Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz and it also supported the acquisition of works of art for the King Stanisław August Poniatowski’s collection at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

Cash and in-kind donations [PLN 000s]


Cash and in-kind donations [PLN 000s] 2021 2022
Total value of cash and in-kind donations made by the ENEA Group: 4,986.2 9,705.1
of which funds transferred by Group companies to the ENEA Foundation 3,956.6 6,961.2
of which funds transferred by Group companies to the “Solidary Miners” Foundation 251.5 750
of which funds transferred by Group companies directly to other entities 778.1 1,993.9
of which funds transferred by ENEA S.A. to the ENEA Foundation and the “Solidary Miners” Foundation 1,800 6,000
of which funds transferred by ENEA S.A. directly to other entities 0 0

Selected social projects implemented by the ENEA Group in 2022


The ENEA Group continued its cooperation with the United Nations Association – Poland (UNAP) in respect to educational activities relating to UN sustainable development Goals. The Company became the strategic partner of the 2nd edition of the report entitled Sustainable development of cities in Poland – from theory to practice, showing how 30 local governments from all voivodships are working to implement the 2030 Agenda. The report, which was created after open discussions with residents and formal meetings with city officials, also includes voices from the business community, from non-governmental organizations, youth communities and public administration. The Group also supported the sustainable development Ambassador and the Summer sustainable development Academy programs. Both undertakings are aimed at educating the youth through free workshops, and at promoting sustainable development activities already being implemented by active students and high-schoolers.

ENEA Group employees participating in the activity received points, recorded by a special application, each time they covered a distance of at least 1.5 km on foot, running, biking or rollerblading. Additional points were given for commuting to work by bicycle and for performing several sports activities per day. The points were then converted into Polish zlotys by the company and the collected amount of PLN 50 thousand was used for thermal modernization of the orphanage in Szamotuły. The newest edition of the program had an additional educational value. After covering a specific number of kilometers, the participants received successive doses of knowledge about sustainable development Goals (SDGS) and guidance how they can support them.

As part of the program, the ENEA Foundation has supported employees in implementing initiatives that are important to them and that benefit their communities. In 2022, they proposed more than 40 ideas, and the Foundation donated PLN 67 thousand to implement the winning projects. As a result, as part of the employee volunteerism efforts, child-friendly corners were created for children with autism spectrum disorders, rehabilitation of people with disabilities and breast cancer prevention programs were supported, and physical activity was promoted among children.

The fourth edition of the ENEA Academy of Talent educational competition was launched in 2022. Students, NGOs and schools once again had the chance to win additional funding for the development of their interests and implementation of their ideas. More than 600 students and nearly 100 organizations participated in the competition, out of which nearly 60 winners were selected in January 2023. The ENEA Foundation provided them with nearly PLN 300 thousand in the form of scholarships and grants.

ENEA S.A. has worked with the Society for Educational Projects to implement two historical projects: one commemorating the heroes of the Greater Poland Uprising and the other popularizing the post-war history of Szczecin. Within the framework of these projects, multimedia lessons for primary and secondary schools were prepared and knowledge contests for students were organized under the names of “Rebellious Szczecin” and “From Greater Poland to Independent Poland”.

The project is implemented by Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” in cooperation with the local government. Working together with the County Starost’s Office in Łęczna, one rural women’s association with experience in local community work was selected in each of the county’s six townships. The teams received mentoring support, which was aimed at, among other things, raising awareness of the women in respect to their rights, identifying their strengths and encouraging their activism.

ENEA Wytwarzanie worked together with the Energia-Działanie Foundation to produce, among other things, a booklet containing advice from a psychologist on how to talk to children about the war and a therapeutic fairy tale called “Jeżyk Igiełka” [Needle the Hedgehog] (both bilingual, in Polish and Ukrainian), and a digital version of the fairy tale (also in two languages).

ENEA Wytwarzanie and the Healthy Child Foundation have launched a local program for the prevention of depression in children and adolescents. As part of the program, an information booklet was produced that contains basic information about the disorder and about institutions that offer help, as well as stories of peers suffering from mental health problems.

For the third year running, ENEA S.A. was actively counteracting social exclusion of people with hearing disabilities. These activities took the form of a series of free summer concerts on Lake Rusałka in Poznań, which were executed with an induction loop that helps those with hearing impairments. Nearly 8 thousand people attended the events, which featured performances by more than 50 young Polish artists, both debutantes and experienced musicians known from Poland’s largest music festivals.

Initiatives for the natural environment are described in the section entitled ENEA Group’s environmental activities in 2022.

Social projects in the field of employee health prevention are described in the section entitled Health promotion programs.

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